Friday, 11 April 2014

New Purchases!

Hey guys!! I tried really hard not to leave it too long before another post but I also have a really big, much more exciting (I think) blog post in planning right now. It's something quite different for me but I'm giving it a try, after all you don't get anywhere in life by staying in your comfort zone all the time!
So anyway today's post is, as you can tell by the title, a few things I bought recently. There aren't many and it's mostly makeup products so let me know if you wanna see recently bought fashion items or whatever and I can arrange that too! Enough of me rambling, lets see what I bought!

Superdrug and Boots are 2 of my most favourite shops in the whole wide world and I have no idea where I would be without them! I love my makeup way too much and some might say I have too much but it all gets used at some point and I don't believe it is possible to have too much makeup! I'm always experimenting and adding things to my collection! Here's what I got while I was in there! :)

MUA 'Undressed' Eyeshadow Palette
I've been wanting an MUA eyeshadow palette for absolutely AGES and I am SO excited to finally have one because they are so cheap at only £4 for 12 eyeshadow shades and I've heard some great things about them. I will let you guys know how I get on with it!

MUA Pressed Powder - Shade 3
The story behind buying this product is just really that I ran out of my Rimmel Stay Matte powder and I wanted to try a new powder out so I thought I'd give this one a whirl considering its only £1!! Bargain!

MUA Blusher in 'Bubble Gum'
Same story to the last product really! Just ran out of my other MUA blush! MUA blushers are fantastic, if you haven't tried them before go down to your local Superdrug, find one you like and buy it! I can guarantee you will be able to afford it and you will love it! This one was only £1! 

After we had been to Superdrug we headed off to Boots! I only bought 2 things in Boots but they were actually both from the clearance section which made me very happy! These 2 products were only £1 each so I am a very happy bunny! 

Seventeen Stay Pout Lipstick in 'Infared'
The main reason I bought this was because it was only £1! But it's a beautiful colour and I actually don't have a red lippy in my collection at the moment so I thought it would be handy. I actually wore it today and it stayed on all day, topped it up the tiniest bit once throughout the day and that was just after I'd been eating so it did really well. I've never tried a Seventeen lipstick before but if they're all like this one I highly recommend you go get yourself one!
Baby Lips 'Cherry Velvet' Limited Edition
Again, the main reason for this purchase was the price! It does smell gorgeous though and I am a very big Baby Lips fan so I'm happy to have this one in my Baby Lips collection!

So the final thing I bought recently was a cute little accessory for my bedroom. There might be a few posts with bedroom related stuff coming up because I have just recently redecorated so I'm thinking about doing a bedroom post but we will see. Anyway, I spotted this in Primark when I was in town with my friends today and I thought it was too cute to leave! 

It's so cute! And it was only £1.50!!! I absolutely love it and I LOVE the Home section at Primark because it is like, made for my room! There is so much cute stuff in there at really affordable prices! If you fancy some cute little accessories for your bedroom/home then I would recommend heading to your local Primark and having a little nosey around the home section because there is some lovely stuff in there.

I hope you guys liked this post and found it interesting, maybe even helpful! If you've tried any of these products mentioned here please do let me know your opinions on them, I would love to hear what you guys think! 
Thanks again!
Becca x

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