Monday, 26 May 2014

Beaches, Parks & Piers!

Hello again! It's gonna be another daily diary type thing today but I promise the beauty and fashion stuff will be back soon I promise for those of you who prefer that stuff.
Today me and my friends went back out on our bikes (with very sore bottoms I would like to add) and we trekked down to the beach and around the area. I've decided I really like riding my bike now and I'm going to be doing it much more often as of now!
It's always an interesting day when you go out with this lot so there are some cute and also some really bizarre and random photos that may come up in this post!
I don't know about anyone else but I'm loving the weather lately so I'm taking advantage of it! Although, yet again I got burned but it was my own fault this time because I didn't put any sun cream on at all today, oopsy...

Standing at the end of the pier...I'm not gonna lie my legs were shaking a little while I was up there!

Steph on the end of the pier! :)

In this photo it doesn't look like a sunny day at all but I promise it was! We all burned so it must have been warm!

I tried to get creative with a few cheeky snaps while I was on the beach. I will share those over on my photography blog which I will link at the end :)

2 girls + 2 cameras = amazing photos!

This is my favourite beach of all time.

Arabesques in a park!

Introducing Molly the fire woman going down the fireman's pole!

Not really too sure what this is so I'm not gonna try and explain.

You don't realise how far away these things are from each other until you try to jump from one to another!

So, that's another day gone! I have a few other things to say before I end this post so here goes!
Number 1. 
Since I told my friends about my blog, they have told me that they would like to start their own. So, I asked 2 of them if they wanted to each write a guest post for my blog, email it to me and then I can put it up to see what you guys think and also to see how they feel about creating a post. They will be coming up soon so keep your eyes peeled for them!
Number 2.
I want some of your ideas on what you want to see on my blog in the up coming months. I love just coming up with my own ideas and throwing them out there for the people who just happen to fall upon my blog, but I want to post things that you guys actually want to see here because you are my main audience and I want to make sure I'm not boring you with the things I post! If you're happy with my blog content then please do let me know as well because that is really helpful :)
Number 3.
I am posting my more photographic and creative photos from today over on my photography blog which you may or may not know about! If you're interested please do go check it out, it would mean a lot to me :)

Thanks for reading again if you got this far! :)
Until next time
Becca xo


  1. Great post again Bec! I really like these diary style posts but I'd probably like to see more OOTW. You're so lucky to live near a beach!!

  2. Thanks for the feedback Eva! It really helps! xo

  3. cute photos! You look like you have lovely friends x I would like to see quick and simple makeup tricks in this next upcoming month. And I love these kinds of blog posts, too!

    1. Thanks Jenna! I have a few makeup blog posts hopefully coming up soon! X
