Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Camera Problems...

Hey guys, I have a little bit of bad news for my regular readers as my camera is broken. I didn't necessarily break it, it just keeps doing strange things that I'm not asking it to do so my dad wants to take it back to the shop and see what the problem is.
I'm so gutted you guys have no idea, I love my camera to pieces and not being able to use it is killing me!
I will try to keep blogging until I get my camera sorted but unfortunately the pictures probably wont be amazing quality because the only other thing I can use is my iPhone 4 which isn't great. If you guys don't mind the slightly less good quality photos here then I will continue but if you'd rather I waited until I can use my camera again then just let me know because I don't mind.
I think I have about 2 blog posts worth of photos on my memory card saved from before my camera decided to die on me so I will get those up for you to see.

This was just a little update to let you guys know what was going on, sincere apologies guys! I'm gutted!

Bec x

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