Saturday, 15 March 2014

High School & GCSE's!!!

Hey guys! I told you I couldn't keep the everyday thing up for very long! Anyway, today's post is possibly going to be the start of a series if that's the sort of thing that you guys want to read. As you've probably already seen by the title of today's post, its school related!
I feel like I should give advice on the things that I'm doing at the current time not only to help anyone out there going through the same thing but also for my sake as well to have these things to look back on and take my own advice.
Before I get started, I put up a survey on earlier this week about the types of things you like to see on blogs so feel free to go over there and take part, it would help me out a lot! (I'll leave the link at the end!)

So, getting onto today's post...Raise your hand if you've ever said that you hate school.

Basically everyone, right? I've said it before too, who hasn't!? School is a pain in the neck and we all know that but, unfortunately it's something that everyone has to do without much choice about it. I used to love school all the way through first school and middle school but I had a bad breakup with a middle school boyfriend in the first week of starting my new high school. Because of this breakup, it made the first maybe 10 months of year 9 absolute hell for me because I just didn't want to be there at all because I was so upset and depressed all the time. Some people hate school because of a big event in their life that makes them upset or annoyed. However some people just don't like going to school full stop. You have to motivate yourself to be happy and if you need to, put up a strong front and from my experiences, putting up a strong front makes you forget about everything because you get so used to pretending to be happy and enjoying yourself, you actually start being truly happy. That sounds so deep and cheesy but honestly that's what I did and I'm much better off now. I have an amazing group of friends, an amazing boyfriend who supports me and I'm doing really well in my school work. Don't let anything or anyone get in the way of your school life because you have to make your school years special so that you can look back on them in the years to come and laugh and sometimes even cry at all of the memories you had when you were there. You don't stay young forever so make the most of it.

That was more of an advice thing that happened there but it sounded inspirational as I was writing it so I'm leaving it there! Now onto the GCSE side of things, who doesn't love GCSE's!? If you're reading from outside of the UK then you may not know what GCSE's are so I will explain.
Between the ages of 14 and 16 (years 1-3 of high school) there are a number of exams to sit and coursework to complete that completes the qualifications needed to get into colleges and universities and also to get jobs later in life. So, they are very important things which is why enjoying school is so important. If you don't enjoy school you aren't going to enjoy you're lessons which means you probably won't be listening in class which will cause you to fail your exams and everyone wants to pass.

Top Tips to get Motivated!

  • Wake up and put a smile on your face even if you don't particularly want to!
  • Get up, get in the shower and refresh yourself!
  • Eat a healthy and refreshing breakfast!
  • Make a cup of your favourite drink before you leave the house to take to school with you! (My personal favourite is a cup of tea!)
  • Walk to school with a close friend or meet them along the way and catch up on the latest gossip on the way!
  • Have a positive attitude to everyone you pass everyday, best friends or strangers!
So those are the ways that I stay motivated to enjoy school, try them out and see if they work for you too. Everyone has a different way of getting motivated and staying motivated, you just have to work out which ways are best for you.

One of the worst parts of school is homework and you get a heck of a lot of it once you hit high school which can sometimes put people off and they just don't bother to do anything to help themselves. I think the best way to do homework is to put your favourite CD, radio station or playlist on quiet, set yourself a nice work space to do your homework in and I have included some images of my work space at the end for some inspiration. If you struggle to stay focused maybe cut out the music and take regular breaks for a snack or a drink. Trying to do everything all at once never works, you have to give your brain a rest every now and again. If you really cant stay focused, call a friend round and do the work with them while they do their homework. Having someone else around doing work at the same time really helps to keep focused and on task.

I hope this post wasn't too boring and interested maybe even helped some of you! Please do give me your opinions on these types of posts because I don't want to be boring you guys! Always open to your opinions, my email will be at the end if anyone would like to drop me an email or just leave me a comment at the end.

Thanks again guys!
Becca x

My survey:

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