Wednesday, 23 April 2014

I love farms!

 Hey guys! Sorry it took a little longer than I anticipated to write up this post and also sorry it's so late at night haha! Well, it isn't late but it's kinda late for a blog post to be going up, oh you know what I mean!
Anyway, continuing my travel posts from last week I'm giving you some of the pictures I took when I visited a farm in the local area of where I was on my little holiday!
It was the most perfect day to visit the farm, the sun was shining and it was just the right temperature and... NO RAIN!!!! That's like a miracle in Britain as many of you Brits reading this will know!
I absolutely love animals although I can be scared of them if they get too close, but they're very pretty and often very cute!
There's not really too much I can say about a farm really other than post the photos and put captions on them so that's exactly what I'm gonna do! Enjoy...

I dunno about any of you guys but I've never seen a peacock with its feathers out like this!

He's so cute but don't be fooled, he was a grumpy pony!

Who doesn't love a good goat, lets be honest...

This chicken/cockrel (not sure how to tell) was huge!

Chick, chick, chick, chick, CHICKENNNN

Shire horses are absolutely beautiful.

It's me when I laugh! (According to my friends and family...)

So, as you can see there were some very cute animals at this farm and I fell in love with some of them and wanted to take them home... Unfortunately my parents wouldn't allow me to bring home the whole farm... Oh well!

Sorry there wasn't a great amount for me to talk about or too many pictures to share but the next 2 days I spent when I was away are much more exciting so be prepared! I can't wait to share the last one with you and that's why I'm glad it's the last one! Always leave the best til' last!

Anyway, if you got this far thank you for reading once again, I hope you enjoyed these adorable pictures!

Until next time
Becca x


  1. haha i love that last picture of the horse! I love animals too x

  2. Farms are a great day out always x
