I'm currently completing a science GCSE and some parts of my French, Geography and Child Development GCSE's so I'm under a little bit of pressure to get things done at the moment. The majority of this work should be done by the middle of June so my blog will go back to normal then I promise.
I sat the first of 3 science exams today and I can not wait for the other 2 to be over! I don't know about you guys but I really don't like exams!
Anyways, deep apologies from me I hope you can forgive me as I'm working very hard to get 2 posts up tonight if I can! If I don't manage to get the other one up tonight, expect to see it on Thursday night.
Okay, so today's post is going to be about my favourite foundations. I only started wearing foundation about a year and a half ago, before that I just wore concealer. I do however wish I hadn't started wearing it because now I cant leave the house without any on without getting told I don't look very well! However, in my opinion I think foundation really helps with my self esteem because I can cover up all the spots and blemishes on my face that I don't want anyone to see.
I wear foundation every day pretty much unless I'm planning on exercising or just having a lazy day where I cant be bothered to put anything on.
I went through my makeup drawer and picked out my favourite foundations and so I'm going to review them all on here for you guys to see. If you've tried any of the following products, please let me know in the comments what you thought of them! I'd love to hear your opinions!
Number 1...
Rimmel Match Perfection
I find that the coverage on this foundation is pretty good and it's very easy to apply. The only thing I will fault about it is that it doesn't last very long without shifting and sliding around my face without regular powder top ups. I have naturally quite oily skin so I don't know whether that is the reason why I'm having this problem or not but it does shift around my face quite a lot through the day.
Having said that, it's a perfect foundation for a night out somewhere and it looks good so I suppose that's really all that matters!
Number 2...
Maybelline FIT Me
I don't use this foundation very often, mainly because it's too dark at the moment - again it will be better in summer! But, when I do wear it it's usually for a more special occasion because I think it's quite a high coverage foundation that isn't really perfectly suited for day wear. That's just my opinion though guys, if you wear it through the day that's totally fine it's just my opinion!
This is in shade 125 as you can see on the bottle and I think that it lasts well and stays in the correct place well enough. I'm also totally IN LOVE with the packaging of this although I'm not really too sure why. I just think it looks absolutely gorgeous and so expensive when it's actually totally affordable in the drugstore.
All round a good quality foundation.
Number 3...
Borjouis Healthy Mix Foundation
Okay guys this is my absolute favourite at the moment I'm honestly head over heels in love with it and I've had to stop using it so much because I was starting to run out! This foundation stays on my face all day without shifting without me having to top up the powder too many times throughout the day. It's good coverage but not really high coverage so it's perfect for day wear. It doesn't let your natural oils through too much but it does enough for your skin to breathe. I find that I get less breakouts when I use this foundation over the others which is brilliant and one of the reasons I love it so much. It has all sorts of fruit nutrients in it which I'm assuming do wonders for your skin! All the information is on the bottle so if you're interested I highly recommend you go check this one out because it literally is amazing.
Another thing I have to say about this is the packaging. I dunno if you can tell but the bottle is plastic which I was quite confused with at first. However, I then realised that as I was using the foundation, the base of the bottle was moving further and further up the bottle. This confused me a lot at first but then I realised that it was so that no foundation is wasted! If you can see there is no foundation in the bottom half of the bottle because it has all been pushed up to the top! I think this is an amazing invention because so much foundation is wasted when it is left on the sides and bottom of the bottle! Absolutely amazing!
Number 4...
Rimmel Wake Me Up
I'm not gonna go on too much about this one because it is SO popular in the beauty world that you've probably read and watched a thousand reviews on it.
I have actually ran out of this now but I still try to scrape it out the bottle because it's so good. I think it's more of a winter foundation because of the amount of shimmer in it. If you wore it in the sun in the height of summer you'd probably look a bit like Edward Cullen it has that much shimmer! Having said that, having the shimmer really makes my skin look so much healthier and brighter which I absolutely love. It's perfect for when you're having one of those days and you just need something to make it better, I can guarantee this will help! If you haven't tried this yet, well you've been living under a rock obviously! I would seriously get yourself down to Boots or Superdrug and hunt some of this out, you won't regret it!
Thanks for reading guys if you got this far, I know it was a long one! Please do let me know what you think of these types of posts in the comments. One product review at a time or more than one? What's your preference? I don't want to bore you guys so I need to know what you like and what you don't like! It helps a lot when I get your feedback!
Thanks again guys, see you next time!
Becca x
This was really helpful, thanks bekka!