Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Liebster Award!

Hello again! This is my second post of the night, be proud of me! I'm putting some serious effort in tonight!
As you may have guessed by the title, this post is going to be the Liebster Award! If you don't know what the Liebster Award is, I didn't either until 2 days ago so don't worry about it!
Basically from what I understand, it's kind of like a tag thing for bloggers with under 200 followers where you answer the questions your nominator asked their nominees on their blog.
I was nominated by the lovely Lydia of mydaisychaincloset.blogspot.co.uk so thank you so much Lydia! It means a lot! Obviously I haven't been blogging on here for very long so it's so lovely to get nominated for something like this so quickly. It means a lot to know someone has actually found my blog, read it and enjoyed it!
If you are nominated for the Liebster Award there are only a few rules:

  • Thank the lovely blogger that nominated you!
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominator provided.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
  • Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Contact your nominees to let them know you've nominated them!
So here we go, I'm gonna answer the 11 questions Lydia posted on her blog for her 11 nominees! Thanks Lydia!
1. What is your favourite Disney movie? Why?
My favourite Disney movie is gonna have to be Frozen. I know it's really new but I've honestly fallen head over heels in love with it and I've seen it like a million times! I sing all the songs and I can even quote most of the film I love it that much! I've even started learning some of the songs on piano...I love Frozen because it's just a really good feel good film that makes me laugh and cry but it's just brilliant. If you haven't seen it, go watch it, NOW!

2. What is your best cooking achievement?
I don't cook very often simply because I just don't have the time I used to! This is actually really hard because I don't cook ahh! Em okay I think my biggest cooking achievement was in food technology at school last year where I made this chicken dish thing that was really nice. The reason why I'm so proud of it is because I absolutely HATE raw meat like basically have a phobia of it. It makes me feel so sick but I managed to prepare it and everything so I was very proud of myself!

3. What is your favourite dessert?
Absolutely anything with chocolate in it!

4. What is your ideal holiday location?
I've been to quite a few places in my lifetime but one place I haven't been to is Hawaii and I would love to go there someday.

5. Favourite book?
My favourite book is gonna have to be The Fault in Our Stars because that book is just absolutely brilliant. John Green you amazing man, I don't know how he did it but he turned a cancer story into something seriously amazing. If you haven't read it please do, I'm not gonna give too much away but it really is amazing - get your tissues ready though!

6. What are you currently wearing?
I'm currently wearing my pink and grey checky pyjamas whilst lying in bed blogging for you guys after a long day of exams and revision, you're welcome :)

7. Who is your favourite YouTuber?
This is really hard for me because I watch so many and I love them all so much but if I had to pick a favourite it will have to be Zoella because I found her first and that's how I found all the others. She's such a lovely girl if you haven't seen her videos go check them out, she makes me laugh.

8. One fact not many people know about you?
This is a tough question and I'm having to think about it more than I thought I would. Okay em not many people know that I have a younger brother who is profoundly deaf. Only my closest friends and my family know about his disability because it's not something the world needs to know particularly but now you do! He's my world and he's such a soldier. If you're reading this in a few years time (you're only 8, you don't understand this stuff yet!) then I love you and you mean everything to me. You get on my nerves but I get on yours too. I love you little duckling!

9. Favourite song at the moment?
I think my favourite song at the moment is All of Me by John Legend. It's such a gorgeous soulful song that makes me smile every time I hear it.

10. What is your favourite/go-to outfit?
I tend to wear my light blue jeans and a baggy wool;y jumper quite a lot. Even in summer you will see me in a woolly jumper at some point I can guarantee it. They are my favourite things in the world.

11. One thing on your bucket list?
Complete at least 100 acts for charity. I've already done about 15 so I'm getting there!

That's all of Lydia's questions! Now I will list the people I am nominating for the Liebster Award!

1. Jenna: littledimplesblog.blogspot.co.uk
2. Taylor: ssurfboard.blogspot.co.uk
3. Mia: teenagebeautyblog.blogspot.co.uk
4. Rebecca: frecklesoncheeks.blogspot.co.uk
5. Miarara: miararaa.blogspot.co.uk
6. Ailsa: beautyberryblog.blogspot.co.uk
7. Sophie: sophiemariec.blogspot.co.uk
8. Beth: beautyiwant.blogspot.co.uk
9. Tracy: tracysstyleandbeautyblog21.blogspot.co.uk
10. Nia: niaelinormair.blogspot.co.uk
11. Katie: prettyforpence.blogspot.co.uk

Okay so that's it guys! 2 posts in one night, that's pretty impressive! I've worked hard!
Thanks again to Lydia for nominating me!

Until next time,
Bec x


  1. Hey! Thanks for nominating me! Just to ask, what are the questions? I think you may have missed them out haha ;) Thanks x

    1. OMG I have as well! So sorry about that I didn't even realise! On it right away! Your blog deserved to be nominated! x

  2. Lovely post, and really you deserve the nomination- feel free to stop round my blog anytime <3 :D xxx

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate it! It's nice to meet (virtually) all of the other girls on here so thank you for the opportunity! I've found so many new blogs! xxx
