Monday, 19 May 2014

Liebster Award Questions!

Hello! I am a complete and utter ninny...for anyone who read my post on the Liebster Award last week, you will probably have noticed I forgot to put in my 11 questions for my nominees! I'm terribly sorry to those nominees that couldn't answer my questions because silly me forgetting to put them on! Huge apologies guys, and I'm so sorry I didn't see the comment of the lovely Miarara telling me I'd forgotten the questions! Thank you Miarara for telling me!
So, since I forgot to post my questions on the original Liebster post, I thought I owed it to you guys to post them on a new post! So here we go!

1. How many concerts have you been to in your lifetime? Which was your favourite?
2. What colour are your bedroom walls?
3. If you don't already, or even if you do, what instrument would you love to play if you could choose any?
4. Would you rather have hands for feet or feet for hands? i.e. 4 hands or 4 feet
5. Who is your celebrity idol? And why?
6. If you could bring any famous person back from the dead for 1 meal, who would you choose?
7. If I told you I could give you any super power you wanted, what would you want to have?
8. What achievement are you most proud of?
9. One thing you really really want to do before you die.
10. What made you start your blog?
11. This one is kind of a thing to try and achieve I suppose, see if you can do it! I'll try too!
Try to create your own tag, like this one, where you get other bloggers from the community involved and try to get them to do it too! You'll feel so proud if you get it going! Even if it doesn't catch on, you did an interesting blog post that was totally your own!

So, those were my questions! Again, so so so sorry to my nominees who actually had no questions to answer! Hope they aren't too boring, I tried to make them different to everyone else's but a lot of people have done this tag so I'd be surprised if some aren't similar!
Before I go, I wanted to say that I'm gonna try to do these tag things more often when I see them going around if it's not something I need to be nominated before because this Liebster Award has got me well over the amount of views I had at the start of last week! Thank you so much to anyone who sat and read through it, it really means a lot to me to know that people actually sit down at their computer or phone and read things that I've written.
I've also found so many other girls here on the blogging community that are so lovely and it makes me so happy that I started a new blog because I've spoken to some lovely people since I started up again!
Thanks again guys, enjoy a few cheeky beach snaps I took the other day! :)
Becca x


  1. Thank you :) no that's fine, I'll do that right away :) xx

    1. Thanks Miarara, so sorry again about the error in my brain haha xo
