I hope you're all enjoying the frequency of my posts! I really am trying to be devoted to this system for a good while until I hit my main GCSE year in September as it will become a lot harder to post 4 times a week when I need to revise. However, blogging will be a great breather from revision for me so I will still be posting at least once a week during my GCSE's.
How are you all? Busy weekend?
Mine's been busy! I've been at The Mouth Of The Tyne Festival most of the weekend so I haven't had much chance to do anything else! One thing I will tell you before I start my post is I sung my very first solo yesterday to at least 200 people in a local metro station! I was absolutely petrified! I had my parents there and all of my friends came to watch to so it was really scary! My choir teacher has been trying to get me to sing solo since I was 9 (6 years ago) and I eventually did it! It didn't go as well as I would have wanted it too but I have a really bad cold and I was super nervous but I'm sure the next time I do it it will be much better! Thank you to everyone who supported me yesterday!
Anyway, I talk too much!
Today I'm going to do something a little different as I asked Daisy from Daisy's Teenage Beauty Blog for some blogging advice. (If you don't know her or her blog please go look here.) So as you might have guessed by the title, I'm going to write all about me. I know I sort of have a lot about me in my bio and I think I may have done a post with some things about me right at the start of releasing my blog but now I'm getting more comfortable and I have more viewers so I'm going to do it in a little more detail, so here goes nothing!
My name is Rebecca Emily Cockburn, I'm 15 years old and I was born on the 19th January 1999. I'm an extremely quiet and shy person until I get to know you, unlucky for you I suppose! I'm just about to finish year 10 which is the first year of GCSE for anyone who doesn't know. I live in the North East of England and I love where I live because I have so many amazing friends and family here. For the rest of this post I think I'm just going to give you bullet points on things in my life! ENJOY!
I've been in my local youth choir since the age of 9 (6 years). I started this after joining the school choir in middle school and the teacher that did it had his own choir outside of school, so I joined! Ever since then I've never looked back, singing is one thing that I love and will never give up on.
The GCSE subjects I took on top of Science, English Lang. & Lit. and Maths are: Child Development, French, Geography and Dance.
I have been doing karate for about 8-9 months and I have reached my orange belt just recently. However, I am leaving my karate in September to start something new. I'm totally gutted about having to leave karate behind me for a while but I want to do something else right now and I have to follow my heart. (This is getting deeper than I wanted it to!)
The thing that I am leaving karate for is dancing. I'm going to join a local dance school in September because I've been wanting to start somewhere for years now and even more so since I started my GCSE course in Dance. I will hopefully be doing Tap, Jazz and Ballet when I go.
I volunteer as a young leader at a local Beaver Scouts. Normally most of the young leaders also go to Explorer Scouts and do young leadering through that but I started through my own sources and I love it so much I don't think I'll ever leave!
I play piano and I am currently learning my pieces for my Grade 3 exam which I will hopefully be sitting in Easter of 2015! I've been playing piano for 2 years now and the only grade I have done so far in piano is Grade 2. I did my Grade 1 in electric keyboard which I played from the age of 6 up until the age of 13 which was when I switched to piano.
Now onto the more personal stuff rather than things I do!...
Once I have finished my GCSE's, I want to go to my high school's Sixth Form and study Psychology (not sure what other subjects I will study there yet!) After Sixth Form I hope to get a part-time job (if I don't already have one) and go to University to study teaching.
I have wanted to be a teacher for about a year and a half now however ideas are changing themselves up inside my little brain... I was stuck between teaching and speech and language therapy but now journalism and magazine related jobs are coming into my mind so who knows where I'll end up!
I went to a really small first school and middle school which shared a building so even when you transferred, you knew a lot of people. In middle school, I made some of the most amazing friends however, I lost the majority of them when we moved to high school. I went to the most popular and the biggest high school in my area, as did a lot of the people from my school so I thought it was okay. However, a lot of people went to other schools quite far away from me including 2 of my best friends. Because my middle school was so small, I wasn't really fully prepared for the size of the high school I was going to and I now only have 2 friends from my middle school. In fact, I'm gonna say 3 because one of them I'm friends with now, however we were anything but friends in middle school! You know who you are...KATE!
After the move to middle school losing a lot of my friends and my boyfriend at the time, I got a bit depressed. I DIDN'T HAVE depression, I just got depressed sometimes, more than my other friends did. I was a bit confused at the start of high school because I didn't know who my friends were and it was all totally new to me. I have quickly recovered from that though after making some of the most amazing friends in the world and also getting a new boyfriend who is still with me so I couldn't be happier.
Less deep and more factual, I live with my mum, dad and younger brother.
I have a slight case of claustrophobia and OCD (self diagnosed and not serious in any way what so ever! Neither affects me in any dramatic way I just have a slight tinge of it!) when it comes to things like school work. (My mum would say the opposite if you mentioned my bedroom...)
I'm basically scared of life if you ask any of my friends or anyone at my school really! Spiders, heights, the dark, NEEDLES, doctors, dentists, sports. You name it I'm probably scared of it! However, needles are my worst fear! The cancer injections we were given in year 8 were a disaster for me! I got through the first 2 with a lot of tears but for the third my mum had to come in and help me through it! I'm really bad when it comes to needles! Another funny story for you, I had to go to hospital once to get some tests done which involved a needle. I had 2 nurses in the room, my mum and the person who entertains the kids in hospital in the room with me. They had to lie me down on the bed and everything. I didn't just have the magic cream though, I had to have that and the freezy spray for extra protection against the feel of it going in! Anyways, after I had it done I was offered a wheelchair to go to the next ward in case I fainted on the way! Quite embarrassing considering there were babies there getting the same thing done without a care in the world and then there's me sitting there screaming and almost passing out!
I started this blog back in March this year and I've never looked back since. Some of you may or may not have followed me over from my last blog and my YouTube channel that I used to use but others may have never knew I did such things! I don't use my old blog or YouTube channel at all anymore because I started getting embarrassed about it because people started to find out. However they do both still exist so if you can find it then have a good laugh to yourself but I'm not gonna tell you the names because they are really embarrassing to look back on now! Ever since I started this blog I've been much more open about telling people about it, most people know about it now as I posted about it on Instagram for everyone at school to see! If you're worried about what other people think of you, you need to have a serious word with yourself because you do the things you do for you, no one else.
That was a lot of information! I don't think there's anything else really to tell because I'm struggling to think of things to tell you now so I think that's it!
This was a lot longer than I originally planned but apparently there's more to me than even I knew! If you did get all the way to the end of this I hope you enjoyed it and if you want me to elabarate on any of the things I mentioned today then please let me know in the comments or leave me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can!
Here's my email address for anyone that wants it!
Thanks again guys, until next time!
Bec x
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