Monday, 14 July 2014

Beauty Blogger TAG

How's your Monday going so far? I've been at school all day but it's the last Monday of year 10 as we break up for summer on Friday and I'm so excited! Time for a well deserved rest!

I saw that Eva did the Beauty Blogger Tag today and I've been debating whether to do it for a while because it is a really popular tag to do so I'm just gonna give it a go! Hope you don't mind me doing it straight after you Eva! Lets do it!

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
To be totally honest, I'm not really too sure myself... That sounds weird right but sometimes it's straight and sometimes it's wavy and sometimes it's a mixture of both, just depends what mood it's in really. I would say it's definitely more straight than curly but it's not really straight, I still have to use straighteners a lot.

2. Do you dye it yourself or do you go to a salon?
I've never dyed my hair, ever. I really really want to though because I used to have really blonde hair when I was younger and that's totally gone now other than the odd natural highlight I get in the summer. I don't want to go bleach blonde I just want to be slightly blonder than I am now because right now I don't really have a hair colour, it's not blonde or brown! Awkward phase in the middle!

3. Do you wear the same hairstyle everyday or do you change it up?
I hate it when people have the exact same hairstyle every single day and never ever change it up, I get bored and I like to try things out. I do have styles that I always go back to like a basic ponytail or messy bun but I always change it up. Otherwise I just get bored!

4. Do you do your own mani/pedi or do you go to a salon?
I've never actually been to a salon to get my nails done before but my best friends mum is a beautician and she has done gel nails for me a few times. I love having freshly painted nails but I hate waiting for them to dry and I just think it's a right faf to paint them so it doesn't happen very often! Currently my finger and toe nails are painted but very very chipped because I haven't got round to painting them yet!

5. How often do you change your polish?
Kinda answered this in the last question...For my fingers I change it much more often but with my toes I tend to just top it up where it chips just out of laziness!

6. Do you polish your toes in the winter?
I do but only because I do dance and karate which requires me to be in bare feet in front of people a lot so I try my best to keep my feet looking as presentable as possible because I absolutely hate feet so so much and I like to make sure mine look good or at least half decent!

7. How long does it take you to put your makeup on in the morning?
It depends if I'm in a rush which most mornings I'm not. I can get it done in 15-20 minutes if I really keep focussed but I always get distracted and stuff most days so it can take me 30-40 minutes!

8. What do you do first, face or eyes?
Most days I do face first but if I'm doing a really dramatic eye then I'll probably do that first just to avoid any fall down onto my face which I can then easily get rid of with foundation and concealer.

9. Do you collect makeup?
I'm not gonna go as far as saying I collect it but I probably have more than I actually need or more than the average girl my age. I think I just do it accidentally to be honest because I just go out and buy stuff when I want to try something out and it just ends up in my collection! It's not very often I buy new makeup though!

10. How often do you wear falsies?
I've never actually worn them before but I really want to. I'm just scared I get the glue in my eye or it won't come off or something!

11. Do you wear a full face of makeup everyday?
It depends what you class as a full face. For school I always do foundation, eyebrows, concealer, blush, bronzer, mascara and eyeliner and occasionally eye yeah I suppose that is a full face!

12. Do you wear makeup when your home alone?
It depends what I've been doing or have planned the rest of the day. If I'm definitely not going out anywhere then no I won't wear anything because it's just a waste of a days makeup and time really.

13. Will you leave the house without makeup?
I don't feel completely comfortable when I go out without makeup but I'm not one of those people that will not leave the house without anything on. I will do it but I usually feel really uncomfortable and self conscious and a lot of people tend to ask me if I'm feeling alright which is quite embarrassing!

14. How many high end products do you have?
I started out with literally none but now I have quite a few. I have 2 MAC products and quite a few things from Benefit so I'm building up my high end stash!

15. Do you plan your OOTD the day before?
DEFINITELY NOT! I'm not that organised! I usually have a 20 minute panic in the morning trying to find something to wear!

16. How often do you change your bag?
I have A LOT of bags...Kind of a guilty pleasure for me if I'm honest but I get that from my mum so you can blame her! I keep the same bag for school most of the time but throughout the year my school bag probably changes 2-3 times. Outside of school I change my bag all of the time, just depends what I'm doing and where I'm going!

17. What time do you go to bed and wake up?
On a school morning my alarm is always set for 06:45 am but weekends I sleep in until lunchtime! Most nights I go to bed between 10 and midnight depending on how tired I am or what I have on the next day.

18. How often do you work out?
By myself, not as much as I would like to. I do a Zumba class on a Saturday morning and I occasionally go to the gym. I walk most places and I do a lot of dancing and other sports throughout the week inside and outside of school so I'd say I'm quite fit at the moment.

19. Left or right handed?
I'm a righty!

20. How tall are you?
5 ft. 9"

21. Do you speak any foreign languages?
Not fluently no. I speak a tiny bit of Spanish and I take French as a GCSE so I'm more fluent in that than I am in Spanish. However, I probably couldn't hold a conversation with a French person!

22. Any pets?
Not at the moment, I have in the past but I'm currently working on my parents with my brother to get us a rabbit!

23. How often are you on Blogger?

24. Do you read comments?
I read and reply to every single comment I get! Even if it's not right away I do get round to it!

25. Do you keep a wishlist?
Inside my head I do! I should probably start trying to make one to keep myself more organised financially!

26. How did you come up with your blog name?
It took me ages and I'm not even too happy with it at the moment so I'm thinking about changing it but I don't know. What do you guys think?

27. What is your favourite colour?

28. Do you swear?
I try my best not to!

29. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
My boyfriend is coming round in about 15 minutes and we'll probably just sit and watch a film :)

So, that's the end of the tag! I hope you enjoyed it! I wasn't really too sure what I was going to post today but this seemed okay so I thought why not give it a go since every other blogger has done it!

Thanks again,

Becca x


  1. Haha! I loved your post and feel pretty special that you mentioned me, so tar Bec! Also don't change your name! Trinket Box is so cute and unique so keep it at that forever!

    P.S youre really tall! I wish I was 5'9 I feel like such a midget at 5'4 hopefully I will grow a bit more though!

    1. Always willing to give credit to the other amazing bloggers out there that inspire me! Thanks Eva, I do like the name I just haven't been too sure lately but I shall keep it this way now!

      I'm not majorly tall but I'm taller than the majority of my friends so I suppose you could say I'm quite tall for my age!

      Thanks again Eva,
      Bec x
