Wednesday, 16 July 2014

13 Personal Questions TAG

How wonderful was your Wednesday?

It was my sports day today in fact, it was my last ever sports day as next year I won't be in school around the time of sports day due to study leave and the end of exams etc!
Since me and all of my friends are going on holiday soon and were all gonna be apart for a while in the summer, we decided to have a pizza & movie night at my friend Molly's and it was brilliant, we ate loads of food and had a great laugh even though now I feel quite ill! What did you do today? :)

I know I just did the Beauty Blogger TAG but I enjoyed doing it and so I'm doing another TAG but this time its the 13 personal questions TAG.

I've only seen this done once or twice before but I want to give it a go because I'm still starting off with my blog and I think TAG's are a really good way for my readers to get to know me which is why I'm trying to do more. I promise though on Friday it will be a beauty video because I'm going to be doing a review on some products I was sent so look out for that!

I need to learn to make my introductions shorter! Onto the TAG!

1. What do you order at Starbucks?
Starbucks is mine and my friend's all time favourite place to go, whenever we're in town there isn't one time we don't go have a Starbucks, it's becoming a problem. I used to always order a Mango & Passionfruit cooler and I still do if I'm not in a chocolatey mood but with me, there is always a chocolatey option and that is currently the Chocolate Cookie Crumble Mocha Frappuchino which is amazing so if you haven't tried it, please do. However, I don't like coffee and as we all know, a frappuchino has coffee in so I just ask for it without coffee!

2. What is the one thing in your closet you can't live without?
The one thing I'm always wearing is vest tops. I literally wear them all the time, I just think you can't really go wrong with a vest top (tank top), it's plain and simple and you can get so many colours, I just about have every colour under the sun!

3. What's the one thing that most people don't know about you?
This is really hard for me because I'm a really open person with like everyone so I'm not really sure. Maybe that I write a diary and have for the past 4 years? I don't think many people know that!

4. What's the one thing you want to do before you die?
I want to make a difference to someone's life. I know people say that you do that every day when you make new friends and you helping your friends and family but I mean I really want to do something for someone that will change their life forever, in a good way obviously!

5. What's one food you can't live without?
Definitely pizza, I ate a lot of it tonight and I eat it at least once if not twice a week! I don't know what I'd do if it didn't exist!

6. What's one quote that you live by?
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up." - Vince Lombardi

7. What do you like and dislike about the Youtube/Blogging community?
I love the fact that you can make so many friends so quickly here through having things in common with them and people are always so nice if they feel like they have something in common with you. However, not everyone is as nice as each other which I absolutely hate. I don't understand why people post comments on someones video or post that they would never dare say to their face.

8. What's your number one song on your iPod/iTunes?
At the moment I'm in love with 5SOS Amnesia. I've liked 5SOS for a while now and I'm falling more and more in love with them by the second but Amnesia is just the most perfect song I've heard in a long time and if you haven't heard it I want you to go listen to it right now. Finish reading here first though! ;)

9. What kind of style would you describe yourself having?
I think it's quite girly and if I'm being honest quite mainstream. I tend to stick with the trends rather than going off and being all individual. I bow down to the girls that can wear what they want without being bothered about what others think of them!

10. Favourite number?

11. Two hobbies?
Singing and piano.

12. Two pet peeves?
I HATE it when people make that 'aaahhhh' sound after taking a drink! So unnecessary and annoying! I also hate that noise you get if you have a squeaky whiteboard pen or something like nails on a chalk board as well just goes right through me!

13. Your guilty pleasure?
I'm gonna have to say bags, I'm constantly buying new bags and to be totally honest I don't need them I have so many now!

Sorry for it being 2 TAG's in a row but like I say there will be a beauty review on Friday so be ready for that. In the mean time, I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you have a wonderful Thursday! Only 2 more days left at school until summer!

See you Friday!

Becca x


  1. I have literally not come out of bed for like 3 days and it felt great to have some nice fresh content to read after my recovery ( tonsilitis) you are posting so regularly which is great, I really do need to get back into blogging!

    p.s i love these tags, they are really cool!

    1. Aww hope you're feeling better Eva!

      Sorry, I've not been able to reply to this comment until now let alone write a post! All will be explained in my post tonight!

      Glad to hear you're still enjoying the content!

      Bec x
