Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Book Review: The Hunger Games

Happy Wednesday!

Today I'm going to do the first part of a 3-part series that will take place today, Friday and this weekend.
They are all going to be book reviews so if you aren't a big reader then these posts may not be for you but next week I will be back to beauty and fashion so keep your eyes peeled for that.

When I went to France, I managed to get through the whole Hunger Games Trilogy in the space of 10 days because it was just so gripping I couldn't put my kindle down.
I watched the film when it first came out but by the time I read it I couldn't really remember much about it which is good I suppose!

If you are unaware of The Hunger Games Trilogy, which I'm sure you're not because if you've never heard of it I'm convinced you've been living under a rock for the past 3 years or something. Anyway, The Hunger Games is a series of 3 books based around the main 2 characters, Katniss and Peeta. I'm not gonna give too much away in this series because I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read them and wants to but I cannot stress to you how good these books are!

The first one is called 'The Hunger Games' and this is basically introducing you to the idea of "The Hunger Games" and it ends with a bit of a twist that basically means you can't not go on to the next book straight away!
In The Hunger Games you get to know all of the main people and how everything works in the setting of the story. I would say it's a mix between thriller and mystery (if those are the right words - if you can give me better words to describe them please let me know in the comments!) but it literally has you on the edge of your seat all the way through.
Although you know it's all about fighting for survival and all of this thrilling action, there is a blossoming love story throughout the book which is one of the main things that keeps you hooked because you just want to know what happens.

I'm not a huge reader but I'm trying to use my Kindle more because I hardly ever use it for reading purposes and honestly I could not put this book down until I finished it. Once you start reading you're hooked.

One of my friends said she started reading it and got bored so she never finished. I'll admit, the first few chapters are a bit tedious but they have to be there or you wouldn't understand the rest of the story. Once you get passed the first few chapters you won't be able to put it down I swear to you.

I am now officially a Hunger Games addict.

Thanks for reading, see you on Friday for the review of book 2 - Catching Fire...

You can now read this review here.

Until next time,

Becca x

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