Monday, 8 September 2014

How to... Wear Colour on Your Eyes...

It's Monday! Everyone's favourite day of the week! Who sensed the sarcasm?

I've officially decided that I dislike Mondays a lot due to my new timetable. A lot.

Today is Monday so it is the day of the week allocated to how to, tutorials and DIY. So, today I have something that I've been wanting to do for a while. I've never been a person for wearing colour on my eyes, at all. I did a show called Back to the 80's at school last year and since then, I've gotten a lot more adventurous with colour around my eyes. Doing this show meant I had to have the huge hair and the bright makeup and so I had to be more adventurous and reach out a little more.

Its taken me a while to actually start wearing this casually but I've done it a couple of times now and I thought I'd share it with you!

I don't wear coloured eyeshadows all over my lid as it is at the moment, I usually just use colour to line my lash-lines both bottom and top. I may get more adventurous as time goes on but for now, doing it this way is as adventurous as I'm going right now!

I'm sorry about the quality of the pictures but I hate to say it...I really wasn't very prepared to post anything tonight...So bad I know smack the back of my hand. I have everything planned out for every day up until the 20th of this month so I'm not doing too bad with planning but with going back to school I find myself with less and less time to sit down and just write to you guys :( If it was up to me, I'd spend every day doing this but in year 11 that just isn't possible. The reason I wasn't prepared tonight was because I went out totally forgetting what day of the week it was and couldn't remember what I had planned and started to panic when I was out because doing a tutorial or DIY post isn't very quick or easy to do at night! However I got home and saw I had this planned but unfortunately the only photos I have of these looks are on my phone and the lighting in my bedroom just isn't right to photograph some more. That was a very long story that probably didn't make sense but that's why I don't have top quality pictures today! Hope you don't mind this one off!

Anyway, I've rambled WAY too much again so I'm going to shut up now or you'll never reach the post!

Now, you guys will have to give me your opinion on this first one because I can't decide if blue eyeliner works with blue eyes...I guess it looks okay here but I don't know if it's acceptable...Anyway, all I did here was got a light blue eyeshadow and lined my lower and upper lash-lines. You may also be able to tell that I put a very shimmery champagne type colour all over the lid as well which I thought looked quite nice with the blue.

Sorry you can't see much in this one, fringe kind of gets in the way a little bit! For this one though I just did exactly the same thing but with a purple eyeshadow instead. I don't think I used any other colour on the lid here but I can't really tell you from this photo because of the way my fringe is positioned! Other than this, the only other thing I did in both of these was curled my eyelashes and then put on a coat of mascara just as I would normally.

Maybe this was helpful to you, maybe not but I personally have a 60's/70's themed 16th birthday party coming up so this is good for me! 

One thing I want to say is, don't be afraid of colour! We're young and beautiful and no one really cares what colour your eye makeup is today because although it's gonna come as a shock to you, they aren't paying any attention! That's the one thing I always worry about is people thinking I'm weird because I'm wearing something slightly different to what I would normally or something slightly different to the common trend. Be yourself and experiment with as much as you want and if you aren't happy with it then that's fine. The only person that you need to worry about is yourself.
I'd never have pictured myself wearing these colours on my eyes but I had a coloured palette that was never getting used and so I felt like I should use it so it didn't feel left out!...That got a bit weird...

I guess all I'm trying to say is try things out to see what you like and just take a risk for once! I know a lot of people don't do it and they should much more often because most of the time, it looks amazing!

I hope I haven't rambled on too much at the start and end of this but I hope you enjoyed it none-the-less! Again, I'm sorry I wasn't very prepared for this today I will try harder for next time. All I know for Wednesday is that it's going to be a review, of what? I haven't decided yet! I shall scour my makeup collection for something I really want to rave about!

See you on Wednesday,

Becca x