Monday, 29 September 2014

Night Time Routine

Happy Monday! Everyone's favourite day! NOT.

First thing I need to say is that I know this doesn't perfectly fit in with my how to/tutorial/DIY posts that go up on Monday's but I'm sure we can find a way to link in a night time routine in there :)

The reason for not having a tutorial post tonight is because I haven't prepared one basically! Although that sounds really bad for someone who is supposed to be an organised blogger, I did have it penciled in to be a makeup tutorial tonight but I simply haven't had the time to do it! So I improvised at half past 8 tonight when I realised I hadn't posted yet so this is what you're getting!


So, when I come in I usually look like death as shown above. I haven't done much tonight other than have Matty round but I have been at school all day so this photo is explained by that.

The first thing I do is use my favourite makeup wipes to take off the majority of my makeup. All of my friends hate these wipes because they think they smell weird but they do the job for me! :)

After using a face wipe I usually apply a wide range of other products to my face ready for bed. This usually takes me between 5 and 10 minutes depending on how tired I am...

Now with no makeup I put my dressing gown on, grab my towel and pyjamas and head for the shower! 

Thought this looked quite cool! On school nights I usually just stick to a shower because it's quicker and more convenient but I won't be able to have baths anymore after the 13th as we are getting our bathroom redecorated so we're getting rid of the bath and having a wet room. As you can guess I am very upset about this because no bath = no lush and no lush = sad Becca.

Now out the shower with the all round loved towel turban :)

Once I'm out the shower I will usually apply a moisturiser/body butter to my legs. I thought I'd just insert an image of my wide range of moisturisers for you to look at :) Let me know if you want reviews on any of these :)

And now it's time to chill! Although you can't really tell in this photo I do have my fairy lights on, I've put in an image below to show you! 

Having fairy lights really makes up a room :)

My pug sitting tall and proud at the top of my bed ;)

Made myself a cuppa! This light that is shown on the right is my favourite thing ever, it gives off enough light to see where you're going but it's not dead bright. It gives the perfect feeling of warmth :)

Then I just sit and drink my tea!

Can you guess what I'm watching?...

If there's nothing on TV, or even if there is I usually have a scroll down Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr etc and usually sit and Snapchat my friends until bed time :) 

So that's basically all I do on an evening! 

Let me know what you thought of this post because if you like it I may just be able to do a morning routine for you :)

See you on Wednesday :)

Becca x