Saturday, 11 April 2015

Pick Me Ups

So, if you didn't already know, this post is part of a little blogger series I'm taking part in called the "Secret Blogger Project 2015" run by teen bloggers EmilyRebekka and Charlotte. About 30 of us will be writing twice a week on selected little lifestyle topics and you can also go onto the Twitter and Instagram hashtag "#secretbp2015" to have a little chat and view everyone's posts. If you would like to join or know more (we'd love to have you!) Instagram DM @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have Instagram, send a quick email to

The first post of April is entitled 'Pick Me Ups' as you will have seen by the title. 

We all have those days where we feel really tired and down, personally for me that's happening a lot more frequently now since all the stress of GCSE countdown started! I'm sure other people in year 11 will be feeling the same pain as me right now! 
So, on those days where I need to find something to pick myself up I'll do a few things to help that process along so I thought why not share it with you guys! If this helps one person then I'm happy! 

1) Reading
This might not work for you if you aren't a big reader, but for me personally I find that sitting down and reading a good non-fiction book or an autobiography gives me something else to think about, someone else's life rather than worrying about how much I have to do or any problems I'm having in my own life. I often find that once I've done a bit of reading and go back to doing whatever was bringing me down, it gives me a fresh pair of eyes and it makes me think of things differently. Give it a try sometime and see if it works for you. 

2) Take a shower/bath
A bath would be my preference however since my parents got our bathroom redecorated and got rid of our bath, a shower is my only option. On a normal day I think a lot in the shower, sometimes too much but if I'm having a down day I normally just hop in and sing like no ones listening. I think we all sing in the shower, so just hop in and belt out your favourite tune like no one can hear you and I promise you'll feel better for it afterwards! Your family might have a little giggle from downstairs too which is also entertaining! 

3) Pamper yourself
Whether it's doing your hair, makeup, getting dressed up or just giving yourself a facial and painting your nails whilst in your PJs then I don't see why you shouldn't. Whatever it is that makes you feel good, do it. Not for anyone else but yourself. Take an hour or however long you want, a whole day even, just to do something for yourself for once, stop thinking about other people and things you have to do just for a moment and do something for yourself. 

4) Go for a walk
If I'm feeling really stressed out or really down, a walk is always a good option. Grab your camera or your phone and go for a walk and just take pictures to your heart's content. Then go home and look through all the photos you've taken and be proud of what you've created. Upload them onto social media and show off your talent or just keep them to yourself for your own personal pride. 

5) Watch your favourite movie
Whether its a rom com, a soppy teary film or a happy go lucky film, grab it out the cupboard and put it on. Light some candles and switch your fairy lights on and just get into bed and chill. This is honestly one of my favourite things to do and I do it most nights. Saturday night TV is a good alternative if you can't decide on a film. I believe Britain's Got Talent starts up again tonight for all those Brits out there so that's what I'll be watching tonight!

I hope this was a little bit helpful to you in some way, whether you use these ideas now or in a months time when you're having a bad day.

See you soon for another post.

Love, Becca


  1. Love this, since gcse's are so stressful I love to just go out for a little walk, with my favourite music playing; this instantly cheers me up.

    olivia -

    1. Thank you! It's so nice just to go out for a while and not think about all of the other things you have to do and how much revision you still have left! X

  2. These are really good ideas Becca! I never read when I'm feeling down, I should probably start x

    1. Thanks Edie! It's one of my favourite things to do when I'm feeling a bit rubbish! x
