Friday, 31 July 2015

10 Things I Love About Blogging

Today I thought I'd put up a more chatty post because I don't do them very often and sometimes it's nice not to have to faff around with photos etc. So, as you might have guessed by the title I'm going to discuss the 10 best things about being a blogger!

I've been doing this for about 3 years now if you count my old blog and there are a lot of things I love about it, way more than 10! But I'm going to summarise it into the 10 best things for other bloggers to be able to relate to and also for anyone who is thinking about starting a blog and wants to know more about the perks - so it's one for everyone! 

I also think that when people find out you're a blogger, the first thing they think of is free products, and for me that's totally not what it's about. So, I wanted to discuss the other things that make it all worthwhile. Of course none of us mind free products or getting paid (which by the way I have never done, this blog has earned me no money whatsoever, and I've only ever been sent one free product) but that isn't the sole reason we do it, it's because we love doing it! 

So, without rambling on too much more I'm going to go ahead and get started! 


The Blogging Community 

I didn't realise how big the blogging community actually is until I started blogging myself. It's absolutely huge! I have made so many "internet friends" through my blog and it honestly makes me so happy! I'm in a group chat with the Secret Blogger Project girls and it really puts me at ease to know that there is always someone there who will answer when I need blogging or even life advice! These girls live all over the country, some even all over the world and the fact that I can talk to them so quickly and feel like I can relate to them is such an amazing feeling. People always talk about the hate that people get when they blog or vlog, however I've never *yet* experienced any myself. I have seen it, so I know it exists but I have had so much more praise and encouragement than anything else and that's one thing that I do like about it. All the bloggers just like to help each other out and it's a really satisfying feeling.


It's Mine

One thing that I have always said to people when they ask my why I started a blog is, because it's mine. What better reason to start it? It's a little space on the huge world that we call the internet that is completely yours to do what you want with - within reason of course. I can make it look how I want and I can write what I want for me. And that's one of the most important things. It's great that other people enjoy my blog just as much as I do, but I love doing it for myself because it makes me happy and it's mine to do what I want. The fact that this little space on the internet is mine also allows me to write about all sorts of different things. My blog doesn't really fit into a category as I write about so many different things, but I like it that way. You can have it like me or you can specifically talk about beauty, or specifically talk about fashion. That's the beauty of it, it can be whatever you want it to be.


I Can Help Other People

I most definitely do not write my blog for the pageviews or comments, but I always love seeing how well certain posts do and what sorts of comments I get back. Sometimes people comment giving me helpful feedback which I am always open to, but a lot of the time people are telling me how much a post helped them or how they wanted to go try a specific product I talked about. Helping other people is a huge bonus in blogging, because although I say I write it for me, I really do write it for you guys too because although I want to enjoy what I'm writing about, I also want you guys to enjoy it because so many of you are so loyal to this blog and comment on every post and I honestly can't thank you enough for that! But anyway, back to the point, being able to help people all over the world from my bed is the most amazing feeling in the world, I honestly can't describe how amazing it feels to know that you've helped just one person.


It Gives Me Confidence 

I'm not really a very confident person in real life, I may come across quite confident on here, or I might not, but I'm actually quite shy especially when it comes to meeting new people or big events where I don't know anyone. I didn't tell anyone about my blog for a really long time but then I realised, it's who I am why am I hiding it? It's a huge part of my life right now so what's the point in keeping it to myself? Since telling people about Becca Emily, my confidence has boosted so much. I get people telling me at school that they enjoyed reading my most recent post and things like that and it just makes me really happy after how much time and effort I put into it. If you're a blogger who has kept their blog to themselves for a really long time like me, if you have the confidence to out it then I honestly really suggest you do. It's only done good for me so you haven't got much to lose really! You can guarantee most people will be pretty supportive, and when you do get comments about it, it makes you so happy you feel like you could conquer the world! 


It's Fun

This is the most important thing for me. If you don't find it fun and you don't enjoy it, why are you doing it? I never really liked writing in school in English lessons, but on Becca Emily it's a completely different story. I sit and type for hours on end, I can write 3 or 4 posts in a day if I really pushed myself and sat to it. I lose track of time when I'm writing a new post, it isn't a chore and I don't feel like I'm wasting away. It's not for everyone, but if you feel like you have a lot to talk about but not enough people to share it with, then writing a blog is the perfect thing. I have always loved taking photos and now I get to take them all the time because I have a place where I can write about all the photos that I take and I can showcase my photography - I know sometimes it isn't that fabulous but hey ho. 


It's Something Slightly Different

There aren't many people who I personally know, like physically in person who write a blog. I do know a few, but not very many. This is what made blogging appeal to me, I knew that not many people did it, and at the time I didn't know anyone who wrote a blog when I originally started doing it myself, but I did it because it was different and the fear of the unknown intrigued me. I didn't know what blogging was really going to entail but I knew that I wanted to try it. People go to football clubs, I go dancing and I sing in a choir, so many people do those things but I feel that blogging is something a little different, and for me it was stepping a little bit outside of my comfort zone. Although the blogging community is huge, it's minuscule compared to the world, so to me it's something totally different and really quite new. 


It Allows Me To Discover New Things

I have discovered so many new products and also new people from writing a blog. Bloggers talk to each other, and we also read each other's reviews and tutorials to see what's good and what isn't so good before we buy it. I know before I buy a product I always search a number of blogs for a review to make sure that I'm not going to waste my money on a product that I'm only going to be disappointed with when I start using it. My makeup collection in particular has grown massively, which hasn't been good for my money situation, but anyway, I have been able to try so many new things because I've read about them. My makeup collection isn't huge, but it's definitely a lot bigger than it was and I only have blogging to thank for that. It's officially become an obsession, but it's okay because I don't often have money so I can't go extreme. *silently cries*


It Allows Me To Completely Open Up My Mind

This kind of relates to what I was saying about it being a space on the internet that is mine, but I want to go into a little more detail here. I don't often talk about half the stuff that I think about because I think that people won't be interested and I feel like people will get bored. However, I feel like when I'm writing a blog post I can ramble on as much as I want because the internet is such a huge place, someone is bound to fully read everything I've said. Yeah, some people will probably have skim read this and won't have a clue about what I've said, but some people will have thoroughly read this whole post through and may or may not have enjoyed it, but that's beside the point. Having a blog allows me to discuss things I may not usually in a lot more depth which doesn't often happen, for people like me anyways.


My Opinion Can Be Heard

Please note that this is all within reason guys! We all have an opinion, on this page mine is often about beauty products but it could be about anything, WITHIN REASON - I keep stressing that but it's so important I don't want people to start writing extremely racist or sexist stuff all over the internet and then saying I said it was okay, so please don't do that! But, as I was saying, you can voice your opinion and someone out there will hear it. In some ways I guess you could change this to say your voice can be heard. I think blogging could be really good for someone who is really quiet and shy because it would give them somewhere to write down their thoughts and someone can read it, but it means they wouldn't have to say it to their face.


My Blog Is A Place Where I Can Be Myself

There is no one who can tell you who you are on your page. People try to belittle you all the time, in school etc, trust me I know I've been there, but they can't do it here. I can 100% be myself and I feel completely comfortable sharing the things that I share with you guys that read this, weekly, monthly etc. It's so hard especially for teenagers because you're judged all the time in person when you're out in town or anywhere really, but on your own blog you are already the better person and you can be yourself because no one can tell you what to do there, and if they do, you can delete their comment or message etc. and ignore it completely because you created this space for yourself so you have to use it. 

I feel like I might have repeated myself a few times in this but oh well, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it was helpful or relatable for you in some way! 

What do you love about blogging?

Love, Becca


  1. Hi, I'm just getting back into blogging and this post really made me smile. It reminded me of all the things I used to enjoy about blogging so thank you! :-) xx

    1. I'm so glad this has made you remember all the perks!! Good luck with getting back on track! X

  2. I loved this post Becca! And proud to say I read and related to every word :)

    Edie x

  3. This is a really lovely post Becca and everything you've said is so true!x

    1. Thank you Libby, so glad you could relate! X

  4. I love this post, it's so true! - Affraic

  5. I loved reading this post because it is so relate able!
    Nice blog :)
