Sunday, 9 August 2015

My Skincare Routine

Hello again! 

Today I have my skincare routine for you. I've been wanting to do this post for a while now. I'm not sure if I've done this post before or not... it feels like I have but I'm not a hundred percent sure! Even if I have done it before, it will definitely be an updated routine because my skincare products have changed quite a bit over the past year or so! 

I hope you enjoy this post and I'll see you at the end! 

The first thing I always do is remove my eye makeup. There's no better feeling than makeup-free eyes, in my opinion. My favourite remover at the moment is the Simple one because it's really nice on my skin, doesn't irritate my eyes at all and it takes the makeup off. I sometimes switch to my Estee Lauder one, but I prefer only to use that on special occasions. Not sure why, maybe something to do with the price difference...

Once all of my eye makeup has been removed, I go onto my face makeup because again, having no face makeup on is a great feeling. To do that I just use these tea tree cleansing wipes. I know it's bad for your skin to use wipes to remove makeup, but you will see further on in the post I am much more thorough with  my makeup removal than just wipes! 

I move onto my L'Occitane essential water to remove any small traces of makeup that the wipes and eye makeup remover didn't quite get off. I received this sample size in one of my Pink Parcel packages if anyone was interested! You can read that post here.

Then I will use my cleanser to fully cleanse my face and make sure that there are definitely no traces of makeup left over on my skin, or if it's in the morning just to wake me up and start the day with a clean face. 

I don't use this every day, although it does say that is okay to use as a daily facial scrub. I just don't want to take all of the skin off my face, so I use it up to 3 times a week, depending on how good I feel my skin is that week. This is a really nice scrub, it's not too harsh on the skin hence why it can be used every day.

This is a product that I received in this month's Pink Parcel box and I was absolutely overjoyed with it - a £23.50 product in a £9.99 box?! I've really been enjoying using it so far, it goes into the skin really well and I have noticed a difference in the smoothness of my skin.

Once I've done all of the cleansing and scrubbing, moisturiser is in order! My go-to moisturiser at the moment is the Simple Hydrating Light Moistruriser. It's really light and sinks into the skin really well. I also find it hydrates my skin really nicely, which is good seen as 'hydrating' is in the name!

Finally, my go-to face mask of the times. I probably use this once every couple of weeks at the moment. You're meant to use it more, but I forget and stuff so it never happens anymore than once a week. I've really liked this face mask by Quick Fix Facials, and I know they have a range of face masks that all do different things so I think I'm going to look into that a little more.

And so that's about it at the moment! I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know if you've tried any of these products and what you think! 

What's in your skincare routine?

Love, Becca


  1. I really want to use facial things and stuff, I just can never be bothered to do anything with my skin apart from wash it! I used to have this really good face wash but then I got my nose pierced and just kind of stopped completely. I love using tea tree products though, and the smoothing serum seems so fancy! I need to start putting more effort into my skin!x

    1. I have to say I do struggle to keep up with this routine, though I try to do it as often as possible! It hasn't been as great at the moment though so I'll have to get back into it!! Tea tree is my absolute favourite, feels so good on the skin x

  2. You have an amazing blog! thanks for sharing. Do you want to support each other's blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x


  3. I love simple products and they are very affordable as well!
    Nice post :) xx

  4. I LOVE that simple moisturiser - nothing beats it for me!

    1. It is a very good moisturiser I definitely don't disagree with that!

  5. I now despise using makeup wipes ever since cleansing water came into the picture! I now just really can’t be bothered to have a long routine, so now i literally just remove my makeup hahah. I know its bad but ehhhh

    Ambra xx

    1. I've never used cleansing water before so I really think I need to try it! X
