Only a week and a half left of summer! That fact literally makes me want to cry.
However, I try to make myself feel slightly better about going back to school by doing some back to school shopping. For anyone that didn't guess, that means stationery shopping. The most exciting type of shopping of all time.
I didn't go overboard this year as I was on a budget but I got all of the stuff I needed ready for going back to school to complete my final year of GCSE.
I went shopping with molly a couple of weeks ago and we both got rather excited in the stationery shop and could have probably bought the whole shop if we had the money.
I'm not going to go into too much detail about the prices of stuff or anything like that because you can get this stuff anywhere but I'm just going to share the things that I got or 'my back to school essentials' I guess so, here goes!
Normally I would go into every stationery shop and spend an absolute fortune on things that I don't need but I think I was pretty good this year as we stuck to Rayman Stationery and I didn't buy all that much.
Pack of 5 Staedtler pencils with rubbers on the end because we all make mistakes... Getting deep...
My favourite pens of all time. There's something about writing in blue ink that I just don't like, they HAVE to be black. Pack of 10 BIC Medium Crystal Biros.
I got a pack of 4 highlighters as I use them a lot in English. I also picked up a blue white board marker because I use a whiteboard to revise my French speaking and listening exams. I also picked up a Helix 30 cm ruler in pink because all girls need a bit of pink in their lives... I know you can get bendy rulers but they go all mis-shapen and funny so I don't like them and I also know you can get the ones that fold up but every single one of those I've had has broken so that's not an option for me anymore.
I know, I know...possibly the most exciting pencil case in the world. I had to get a transparent one because of exam regulations and I also needed a long one so that I could fit my 30 cm ruler in.
These came as a pack of 2 which I thought was really handy because rubbers and pencil sharpeners are 2 things that I manage to lose every single year so I have to buy new ones every single year which is extremely annoying because if I didn't lose them they'd last a really long time!
Thought I'd share what my pencil case looks like when it's full because, well... I thought it looked pretty cool myself.
I HATE maths. With an absolute passion. But for me to be even with a slight chance of passing I need a geometry set. As much as I hate them, they are needed in order for me to pass. *cries*
Normally it's art students that use these. I'm not an art student however I do take dance and we have to produce a portfolio which happens to be A3 size. I've filled mine in my first year so my teacher has given me another one for year 11. I decided it was going to be too difficult to carry 2 A3 portfolios back and forward so I got one of these to make it slightly easier. It's A2 size in order to fit the 2 portfolios in so as you can imagine, it's pretty huge and makes me look like a slight idiot. This wasn't from Rayman this was actually from The Works and I think it was around £6.99 which is pretty good because it feels relatively good quality.
Onto the more fashion side of back to school! I'm not actually getting new school shoes this year because my ones from last year are still okay.
These pants are from New Look and were £14.99 (stating the obvious I know) and they have a really nice gold zip pocket detailing on both sides which I thought were really nice. Probably don't class as correct school pants at my school but I'm past the point of caring about that. They are what I call 'smart pants material' so they aren't like stretchy but they are skinny. It's hard to explain but if you go into your local New Look, you'll understand what I mean.
The second pair of school pants I bought are from Dorothy Perkins and they were £20. I was going to get 2 pairs of these ones but they didn't have 2 size 8's so I could only get one pair which is the reason behind getting the New Look ones. These are more legging like material as they are stretchy and don't have pockets either. (Again probably going to get told off for them being 'incorrect school uniform' when I go back but meh.) These are my favourite out of the 2 pairs as I think they are really comfortable and look good on.
Finally I got my new bag. Last year I was using a bag from Accessorize that I loved but it was one of those that you only have the small straps that you can carry on your elbow armpit (I don't know what it's actually called but hopefully you get what I mean) but on days when my bag is slightly heavier than others e.g. PE or dance days, it really really hurts my arm so I decided I was going to get a backpack for year 11. This one was on sale in Sports Direct for £13.99 down from £22 I believe. It's a Firetrap one and I really like the colour and it feels really good quality so I'm really happy with it.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, slightly different but it is the time of back to school so I felt it was appropriate. On Monday and Wednesday I'm continuing with the back to school theme with some back to school makeup and hair ideas so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for that!
See you on Monday,
Becca x
P.S. I'm really sorry that some of the photos aren't great today but I'm in a rush as I have plans this afternoon and my camera battery was also dying so I was trying to get everything done in time!
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