Sunday, 17 August 2014

Camp Out in the Wind and Rain!

Happy Sunday! It's Monday tomorrow but don't be sad because there's still 2 weeks left of the summer! Or at least there is for me!

So, last night I had a BBQ and 8 of my friends came over for food. It was a great laugh and we all really enjoyed ourselves. 6 of the girls stayed over to camp out in the tent in my back garden which I think we all really enjoyed.

It was unbelievably windy through the night and it rained but we stayed relatively dry apart from all of the condensation on the inside of the tent dripping on all of us!

I'm not a huge camper because I don't like the cold but me and Molly had the tactics right and snuggled together with 2 duvets, 2 sleepingbags, roll mats and a pile of blankets along with our pillows! Everyone else seemed pretty warm too! (I hope! - If you's were too cold you should have woken me!)

We had a great laugh and actually got a really decent night sleep - which isn't normal for us lot - although we were all really tired walking round town like zombies today!

I'm going to share a few photos from last night on this blog post but no, I didn't forget, there will be a fashion post directly after this one! I know I promised a beauty/fashion post this weekend because I've been doing book reviews all week and so I'm not going to break my promise! To read my OOTWE (Outfit Of The Week End), click here.

Enjoy some lovely photos from our camp out!

Can we just take a moment to look at this "Hawk Moth Caterpillar" that crawled out of my shed yesterday (yes we looked it up) but it was flipping huge! It's currently a caterpillar but it turns into a moth! Honestly made me feel quite sick!

That is me carrying my not-so-little brother, he never used to be so heavy - hense the struggling!

This was taken at about midnight and it just about blinded the 2 of us.

Someone will hate me for this... ;)

We found a wild Kate and we let her sleep in the tent with us for the night because were nice people. 
P.S. Hi Steph ;)

Just about blinding everyone again...

Those are the main photos from yesterday and through the night so I hope you enjoyed having a little look! 
Please remember that I am posting a OOTWE right after this which you can read here if you fancy having a look! I know some people have been waiting for the fashion and beauty posts to return!

Until next time,

Becca x


  1. I spy Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging.
    Ps Loved this post
    pps loved your make up
    ppps you're very pretty

    1. Best film ever.
      P.S. Thank you.
      P.P.S. Thank you.
      P.P.P.S. Thank you.
